RCIA for Adults
If you are someone (or you know someone) that may be interested in learning more about the Catholic Faith or wanting to become Catholic, you are invited to (or bring them too) join us for the Fall beginning of our new season. We will meet on Sunday(s) at Assumption Church. Initial forms are available in the back which you may complete and give to Deacon Myles or Father Anto or email me at awesomeic1@aol.com or call 817-909-8621. If you miss all that, just join us!
Thank you, Deacon Myles
Rite Christian Initiation of Adults
Christian Responsibility: Seek and encourage someone that might like to know more about the Catholic Faith.
Do you know someone that has never been baptized and would like to know more about the Catholic Faith?
Do you know a person that was baptized in another faith and is interested in learning more about the Catholic faith?
Do you know a person that was baptized Catholic, but has not received the Eucharist or Confirmation?
Would you simply like to learn more about the History and Teachings of the Catholic Faith?
Please complete the form, return it to the RCIA mailbox at Assumption or St. John’s or simply put it into the collection basket at any of the churches. If you have a question, contact Luly Duran at 940-683-2743 or email awesomeic1@aol.com.
La Iniciacion Para Adultos del Rito de Cristianidad
Responsabilidad Cristiana: Buscar y animar a alguien que usted conosca que quiera saber mas de la fe Catolica.
¿Conose a alguien quien no ha sido bautizado/a y quiere saber mas de la fe catolica?
¿Conose una persona que esta bautizado de otra fe y estan interesado/a en saber mas de la fe católica?
¿Conose a alguien quien ha sido bautizado en la fe Catolica pero no ha recibido la Eucaristia o Communion?
¿O que simplemente quiere saber mas de la historia y enseñazas de la fe Catolica?.
Favor de llenar la forma que se encuentra en la entrada de las iglesias y entregarla en Asuncion o San Juan o también la puede poner en las canastas de las colectas el cualquier iglesia. Si tiene preguntas, favor de contactar a Luly Duran 940-683-2743 o por e-mail awesomeic1@aol.com.