First Reconciliation/Communion


Due to First Friday Adoration, original Friday practice has been changed to Thursday.

  • Wed 5/1 6p-8p, rosary at 730pm
  • Thu 5/2 6p-8p, we will practice receiving the unblessed host (on the tongue) and possibly the wine.


  • If your child feels that they need to go to confession, please encourage them to do so.  Confession is available prior to masses on Saturday/Sunday and during the week.
  • Dress Requirements
    • It is preferable for boys to wear: • white collared shirt and tie • dress slacks • dress shoes
    • It is preferable for girls to wear: • a dress or a skirt and blouse • dress slacks and blouse • dress shoes
    • Jeans, shorts, tennis shoes/sneakers, spiked-heeled shoes, and “flip-flops” are not appropriate.
    • Girls shoulders should be covered. If girls wear sleeveless, strapless, or “spaghetti strap” dresses, they are to wear a sweater or shawl as well.
    • Skirt length should be modest and below the knees. 
  • Practices are important!  We will practice with the unblessed host and wine.
    • Wed, 5/1 practice, 6pm, followed by 7:30 mass
    • Fri, 5/3 6:30 mass, followed by practice, 7pm
  • Sat, 5/4 Communion Mass, 10am @ABVM
    • Please arrive by 9am.  You will be given your photo number when you arrive. 
    • Any gifts that you have to be blessed will be taken to a table in the church.
    • Children will be in reserved seats.  Seats for their families will be first come, first serve.


  • Important Dates
    • Sat 3/23 Test on Confession/Communion, 9a-11a
      • Please enter by the side door by the kitchen. Once children are finished, they can leave.  We will call those that need to study a little bit more.  I will post on remind once those phone calls have been completed.
    • Sat 4/6 Communion Retreat, registration begins at 830am
    • Sat 5/4 First Communion, ABVM, 10am
  • Parent Lesson : Prayer



  • Sat 3/23 Test on Confession/Communion. We will begin at 9am.  Student will have questions on confession as well as communion and mass. If student is in Special Programs (504, Sped), please turn in a copy of the accomodations given at school. We can accomodate as well.
    • Please enter by the side door by the kitchen. Once children are finished, they can leave.  We will call those that need to study a little bit more.  I will post on remind once those phone calls have been completed.
  • Sat 4/6 Communion Retreat, registration begins at 830am, at least one parent should attend w/student. Student will go to confession then participate in 3 stations while parents are in FORMED/Presence session.  We will end together in the church hopefully by 11:30am-12pm.  Ending time depends on students and confession.
  • Sat 5/4 First Communion for ABVM students, 10am
  • Parent Lessons

1.20.24 Class was cancelled due to a funeral, next class 2/10


  • First Communion for ABVM/Decatur will be held on Saturday, May 4, 2024 10am.
  • It is strongly encouraged that your child/teen and YOU go to confession as needed. 
  • Study prayers and memorize them.
  • Parent Lesson

*Sat 12/2/23 Reconciliation/RE Retreat, registration begins at 830am, at least one parent should attend with student.  The students will receive 1st Reconciliation.  Student will participate in 3 stations while parents are in FORMED/Forgiven session.  We will end together in the church hopefully by 11:30am-12pm.  Ending time depends on students and confession.


  • Today is the last session for Confession classes, new book will be given in Jan 2024 for Communion
    • 6th-12th will continue to use the same book
  • Students will receive 1st Reconciliation at the Retreat on 12/2
    • If you haven't already turned in your child's baptism certificate, please do so prior to Sat 12/2
    • Communion classes start in January 2024 for parent and child.  Please see schedule of dates below.
    • No HC mass dates have been set as yet.
  • Parent Lesson : The Ten Commandments and Beatitudes



  • Watched The Greatest Miracle / El Gran Milagro.  This movie is free on youtube.
  • Reminded parents....
    • 11/1 All Saints Day Festival (Trunk-o-Treat, Saints Walk), including YM Fundraiser.  Asking for donations of items to make pozole.  All Saints Day Mass (6pm English and 730pm Spanish), students will come dressed as saint
    • 11/2 All Souls Day.  Bring a 4x6 picture of a deceased family member for our "ofrenda"
    • Saint Reports are due for the next class (11/4) or before
    • Have students come up for blessing (arms crossed) at mass.  For Wed students (6th-12th), be sure to talk with students not to receive communion yet, only blessing.
    • For 3rd-5th, use blue mass booklets.  For 6th-12th, use missalettes.
    • Offer to take the Vocations Chalice home


  • Wed Nov 1 All Saints Day Mass, 6p/English & 730p/Español @ABVM
    With two masses, we are offering a split attendance for students to attend All Saints Day mass. Please click on the link below to select whether you will be attending the English or Spanish mass.  Student will need to be there an hour prior to mass, dressed as your saint and ready.
    Con dos misas, estamos ofreciendo asistencia dividida para los estudiantes para ir a misa. Por favor, haga clic en el enlace de abajo para seleccionar si va a asistir a la misa en Inglés o Español. El estudiante tendrá que estar allí una hora antes de la misa, vestido como su santo y listo.

Click here to sign up for which All Saints Day mass attending



If you missed the parent meeting for ABVM held on Sunday 9/17, please stop by the DRE office to check to see if your son/daughter is on the list for 23-24 preparation classes and to pick up a commitment form.  Classes for student and parent begin Saturday 10/7 9am-11am.  Review page 10 from the Parent Handbook regarding First Reconciliation and First Communion Expectations.

Si no asistió a la Reunión de Padres el Domingo, 17 de Septiembre en ABVM, por favor pase por la oficina de la DRE para verificar si su hijo(a) está en la lista de 23-24 para clases de preparacion y para recoger una Forma de Compromiso. Las clases para Estudiantes y Padres comienzan el 7 de Octobre, a las 9am-11am.  Revise la página 10 del Manual de Padres sobre las expectativas de la Primera Reconciliación y Primera Comunion.


ABVM Informational Meeting for Parent(s) / Reunion Informativa(s) para Padres

  • Review page 10 from the Parent Handbook regarding First Reconciliation and First Communion Expectations.
  • Revise la página 10 del Manual de Padres sobre las expectativas de la Primera Reconciliación y Primera Comunion.



Child must : ● Be in 3rd grade or older ● Have already been Baptized (if not, see RCIA) ● Must be actively attending weekly Faith Formation for at least ONE year prior to beginning RE/HC Prep ● Parent & child must attend RE/HC Prep, including Retreat ● Parent must attend informational meeting

El niño debe : - Estar en 3er grado o más -Haber sido Bautizado (si no, ver RCIA) -Debe estar asistiendo activamente a la Formación de Fe durante al menos UN AÑO antes de comenzar RE/ HC Prep -Los padres y el niño deben asistir a RE/HC Prep, incluido el Retiro -Los padres deben haber asistido a la reunión informativa. 

If you plan on attending our preparation program and receiving the sacrament at another parish, you must get permission from the Bishop's office.  Contact our office for more information.  Si planea asistir a nuestro programa de preparación y recibir el sacramento en otra parroquia, debe obtener el permiso de la oficina del Obispo.  Contacte nuestra oficina para mas informacion.