
We use REMIND as one of our main communication sources.  If you haven't already, please subscribe to the appropriate class based on your child's class.  Middle/High School will receive notices concerning service opportunities.

To join, all you have to do is text the code you'd like to follow to the number 81010.

  • For ABVM/Decatur, elementary, grades PK/K thru 5th, @abvmpk5
  • For ABVM/Decatur, middle/high school, grades 6th-12th, @abvm612
  • For St John/Bridgeport, elementary, grades PK/K thru 5th, @stjpk5
  • For St John/Bridgeport, middle/high school, grades 6th-12th, @stj612
  • For St Mary/Jacksboro, all grades, @jbdstm

Also, check out our Facebook page, JBD Catholics.

We are here to assist you with your spiritual formation needs for your family.  If you have questions, please let us know.

  • Anna Boyles, ABVM, Director of Religious Education, PK/K-12th
    • 940.390.9596, paboyles@hotmail
  • Daniel Mancilla, St John, Director of Religious Education, PK/K-5th
  • Cindy Tovar, St John, Director of Religious Education, 6th-12th
  • Libby Gonzales, St Mary, Director of Religious Education, PK/K-12th

NOTICE 1.21.22

With COVID and FLU season, we are continuing with classes as usual until notified otherwise from the diocese.  We continue to disinfect the classrooms and utilize social distancing. Your child/teen may wear a mask; wearing one is optional. Teachers and assistants will also be taking precautions.


If your child/teen has a fever, cough or other symptoms, please consider staying home to protect yourself and our community. You must make the best decision for your family. Pray for all of us to remain healthy and for those families that have been affected by illness to recover.

--Anna Boyles, Director of Religious Education/DRE


AVISO 1.21.22

Pon la temporada de COVID y GRIPE continuamos con las clases como de costumbre hasta que la Diocesis notifique lo contrario. Continuamos desinfectando los salones y utilizando distanciamiento social. Su nino/adolescente puede usar un cubrebocas, usarlo es opcional. Los Maestros y Asistenetes tambien estan tomando precauciones.


Si su nino/adolescente tiene fiebe, tos o otros sintomas, considere quedarse en casa para protegerse a si mismo y a nuestra comunidad. Debe tomar la mejor decision para su familia. Ore para que todos nosotros permanezcamos saludables y para que aquellas familias que han sido afectadas por la enfermedad se recuperen.

--Anna Boyles, Director of Religious Education/DRE